100+ LinkedIn Statistics You Need to Know in 2024

LinkedIn Statistics reveals how this job-seeking platform has grown into a platform to share world-changing thoughts and ideas for businesses, brands, and professionals alike.

Several insights and data give away details about user engagement and content performance for businesses and professionals to make an informed decision for their LinkedIn strategy.

Besides, for businesses, LinkedIn has rolled out some amazing new features, such as AI assistant, creator mode, and post-saving options to help businesses engage better with their community and drive them.

If you want to craft well-thought-out LinkedIn marketing strategies, take insights from the LinkedIn statistics below.

LinkedIn Demographics Statistics

LinkedIn has more than 1 billion people hailing from 200 countries. It boasts of affluent demographics with 65 million decision-makers and 10 million C-level executives.

  1. The population of LinkedIn is more than 1 billion from 200 countries.
  2. 56.3% of LinkedIn users are males, while 43.7% are females.
  3. LinkedIn turned 20 years old in 2023.
  4. 60% of the LinkedIn user base is aged between 25-34.
  5. Over 75% of LinkedIn users are based outside the United States.
  6. 57% of LinkedIn users from the United States of America are males, while 43% are females.
  7. A Q3 2022 study revealed that 40% of internet users aged between 46-55 access LinkedIn.
  8. Millennials make up 21.7% of LinkedIn’s user base worldwide.
  9. More than 9 million people have turned on the creator mode since its launch in 2021.
  10. There are over 17 million opinion leaders on LinkedIn.
  11. There are 214 million users from the U.S. on LinkedIn.
  12. There are 180 million senior-level influencers.
  13. LinkedIn has 65 million business decision-makers and 10 million C-level executives.
  14. 60% of U.S. LinkedIn users earn $100,000/year.
  15. After the U.S.(214), India(120 million), Brazil(71 million), and China(60 million) have the highest number of LinkedIn users.
LinkedIn users

LinkedIn Usage Statistics

Linkedin is a goldmine of knowledge for professionals seeking insights on the latest industry trends.

Brands and businesses are making the most of the Linkedin content formats to strengthen their voice. And to promote it, they are passing the baton to employee advocacy.

Besides its marketing capabilities, LinkedIn remains on top for recruiting purposes. Every minute, 6 people are hired on LinkedIn while 101 job applicants are submitted each second! Discover more of such LinkedIn stats below.

  1. 16.2% of LinkedIn users access it on a daily basis, and 48.5% of users are active monthly.
  2. 77 job applications are submitted on LinkedIn every second
  3. 48% of recruiters on LinkedIn use skills data to identify candidates for open positions.
  4. 65 million people use LinkedIn to look for jobs every week.
  5. On average, 6 people are hired via LinkedIn each minute.
  6. 57% of LinkedIn’s traffic is generated via smartphones.
  7. 30% of a company’s LinkedIn post engagement comes via their employees.
  8. Employees have a 14x more chance of sharing a post from their employer.
  9. 16.2% of users access LinkedIn via its application daily, while 48.5% do so monthly.
  10. LinkedIn witnessed 15.4 billion sessions in Q3 of 2022.
  11. The United States accounts for 23% of LinkedIn’s traffic.
  12. 41% of millionaires are LinkedIn members.
  13. Over 92% of Fortune 500 companies use LinkedIn.
  14. 91% of executives rate LinkedIn as their first choice for professionally relevant content.
  15. LinkedIn is used by 97% of B2B marketers as part of their content marketing strategy.
  16. There are 9 billion content impressions in LinkedIn feeds every week
  17. 2 million posts, articles, and videos are published on LinkedIn every day.
  18. 3 million users post on LinkedIn every week.
  19. Only 1 million users have published an article on LinkedIn.
  20. About 45% of LinkedIn article readers are in upper-level positions (managers, VPs, Directors, C-level).
  21. 39% of LinkedIn users never share content, while 16% of the profiles actively share multiple posts weekly.
  22. On average, users spend 7 minutes and 38 seconds on LinkedIn per visit.
  23. Users visit an average of 7.9 pages on LinkedIn before leaving.
  24. LinkedIn Live streams witnessed a 437% year-on-year increase in views.
  25. 2% of LinkedIn users haven’t yet joined any group on LinkedIn.
  26. 41K skills are listed on LinkedIn.
  27. 39% of users are LinkedIn premium account holders.

LinkedIn Engagement Statistics

Did you know 99.63% of LinkedIn search traffic comes from organic search alone? That’s not all; LinkedIn engagement has improved a lot over the years.

LinkedIn is also making the life of individual creators easy by empowering their reach and influence with the latest advancement in Creator Mode.

With consistent posting, you can get organic views in thousands, even if your connection count is in the hundreds. That’s the power of consistency on LinkedIn. Check out more LinkedIn statistics on engagement from here.

  1. According to 77% of content marketers, LinkedIn delivers the highest organic results.
  2. LinkedIn Posts with 1800-2100 words have the best performance and engagement rate. This means that long-form content is the king on LinkedIn.
  3. People who have turned on Creator Mode have seen a 50% increase in the number of followers.
  4. Content created by Creator’s account sees 30% more engagement.
  5. A LinkedIn post with an image gets 2x the engagement rate.
  6. Posts with Titles of 50-60 characters have the best performance rate.
  7. 60% of LinkedIn users actively seek industry insights.
  8. Every year, LinkedIn users view 443 billion feed updates.
  9. LinkedIn receives 15 times more impressions on content than on job postings.
  10. Over 3 million LinkedIn members publish weekly content.
  11. Businesses with an active LinkedIn Page receive 5 times more page views, 7 times more impressions, and 11 times more clicks per follower.
  12. Businesses that post weekly on LinkedIn see a 2 times growth in engagement.
  13. A video post is 20 times more likely to be re-shared by LinkedIn users.
  14. LinkedIn users have twice the buying power compared to the average web audience.
  15. ‘Complete’ pages get 30% more weekly views.
  16. Including links in your updates drives 45% higher engagement.
  17. 22.04% of LinkedIn traffic comes from search alone.
  18. 99.63% of LinkedIn search traffic comes from organic search.
  19. 98% of marketers on LinkedIn agree that personalization helps advance customer relationships.
  20. According to LinkedIn, companies that post 20 times monthly reach at least 60% of their unique audience.
  21. Including the links in a post can drive twice the engagement than a post without it on LinkedIn.
  22. Images, on average, result in a 98% higher comment rate than without on LinkedIn.
  23. Links to YouTube videos play directly in the LinkedIn feed and typically give a 75% higher share rate.
  24. Linkedin accounts with completed and updated information gain 40 times more opportunities.
  25. LinkedIn articles with 8 images and 5, 7, or 9 headlines are 4 times more engaging.
  26. Messages sent have increased by 35% year-over-year on LinkedIn.
  27. Weekly LinkedIn members who engage heavily with content are 5x more likely to return daily.
  28. Members with 5 or more skills on their LinkedIn profiles are connected 33x more by recruiters and get up to 17x more views.

LinkedIn Business Statistics

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for businesses of all sizes. From lead acquisition to traffic generation, it ticks all the marks to become the right platform to promote your business.

With over 67 million companies on the platform and 4 out of 5 users “driving business decisions,” it’s no surprise that LinkedIn has become a go-to place for marketers.

In fact, 40% of B2B marketers surveyed indicated LinkedIn as the most effective channel for driving high-quality leads. Thanks to its decision-making population, selling is no longer a head-breaking task for marketers here.

Here are some uplifting LinkedIn statistics to help you drive your business decisions on the platform.

  1. 4 out of 5 people on LinkedIn “drive business decisions.”
  2. LinkedIn saw a 26.2% year-over-year growth in revenue in Q4 FY22.
  3. LinkedIn witnessed a 34% year-over-year growth in revenue in the third quarter of 2022.
  4. 40% of B2B marketers surveyed indicated LinkedIn as the most effective channel for driving high-quality leads.
  5. 93% of B2B content marketers use LinkedIn for organic social marketing.
  6. Brands get 7x more reactions and 24x more comments on LinkedIn Live streams than regular video.
  7. Companies with a complete, active LinkedIn Page see 5x more page views.
  8. 73% of buyers are more interested in salespeople who contact them via LinkedIn.
  9. There are over 10k business-to-business software product pages on LinkedIn.
  10. 46% of social media traffic to the company’s website comes from LinkedIn.
  11. 65% of B2B companies have gained customers through LinkedIn.
  12. Lead Gen Forms on LinkedIn can increase conversions by 3x.
  13. 89% of B2B marketers rely on LinkedIn for lead generation.
  14. 62% of B2B marketers generate leads on LinkedIn successfully, over double the next-highest social channel.
  15. InMail has a 300% higher response rate than email, with a 10-25% hit rate on LinkedIn.
  16. 80% of B2B leads coming from social media are from LinkedIn.
  17. 97% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to help drive their content marketing strategy.
  18. As per LinkedIn, an average of 10 content pieces are considered before purchasing.

LinkedIn Ads Insights

Though LinkedIn’s organic reach is stellar, marketers still use ads for audience segmentation and precise targeting. Brands on Linkedin have seen a 33% increase in purchase intent resulting from ad exposure on LinkedIn.

79% of content marketers say LinkedIn ads produce the best results and have continued to use them for promotion. Quickly check these LinkedIn stats on ads to create a better ad strategy.

  1. An ad on LinkedIn can reach 14.6% of the world’s population.
  2. Brands have seen a 33% increase in purchase intent resulting from ad exposure on LinkedIn.
  3. 97% of B2B content marketers use LinkedIn ads.
  4. 79% of content marketers say LinkedIn ads produce the best results.
  5. Marketers see up to 2x higher conversion rates on LinkedIn.
  6. LinkedIn’s cost per lead is 28% less than Google Ads.
  7. Users on LinkedIn who are exposed to business and acquisition messages are 6 times more likely to convert.
  8. Over 50% of LinkedIn marketers want to run product and demand campaigns simultaneously.
  9. According to 69 percent of marketers, hyper-targeting is more successful than a wider approach over Linkedin.
  10. The global average CTR for sponsored content on Linkedin is between 0.44% – 0.65%
  11. Higher resolution images generate 38% higher CTR.
  12. Adding a Lead Generation form to your messaging ads will result in 4 times more leads.
  13. LinkedIn generates a ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) 2-5 times higher than other social media platforms.
  14. LinkedIn was found to be 2-4 times more effective than other display media in the education industry.


LinkedIn is undoubtedly the preferred network for professionals around the globe, and with 8 professionals getting jobs every second, it is bound to witness tremendous usage.

The platform has gone through an evolution in the past year. It introduced some exemplary features to empower the creator community, which evidently brought a spike in LinkedIn stats.

Apart from personal branding, you can also leverage the network to make your brand a renowned name. Post offers company culture and new product announcements regularly on the company page to let others know what they are missing out on.

Did the above LinkedIn Statistics help you make a decision? We have a whole list of other social media statistics to help you understand each of them better here:

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