Cat From Pet Sematary Dies

Cat From Pet Sematary Dies

It has been little over a month since the release of Pet Sematary. Sadly, one of the felines that played Church in the movie has passed on. It was posted earlier today on Instagram of his passing, but the cause of death hasn’t been announced. Leo was one of four cats that played church in the recent 2019 adaptation of Pet Sematary grossing $57.5 Million in the box office.

You can view the original Instagram post here

Not too long ago another star cat Grumpy Cat passed away earlier this month. One of the problems that faced Grumpy Cats owners most likely will face Leos (aka church) owners as well. Pet life insurance will cover you for the cost of the cat but nothing more.

Pet Life Insurance would rarely cover the financial loss of their cats who are income generators for their owners. In cases like these the owners could have turned to pet cloning which we just wrote an article about. Pet cloning might not be as useful for Leos case but got the case of Grumpy Cat which her appearance was everything this could’ve been a good route to mitigate their financial loss.

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