flight tickets: Lok Sabha Bonanza: Air India Express to offer cheaper tickets to first-time voters

Air India Express on Thursday announced that it is offering 19 per cent off on domestic and international flight tickets, exclusively for first-time voters (between the ages of 18-22), carrying a valid voter ID, flying to and from airports close to their home constituencies.
This has been launched under the #VoteAsYouAre campaign “designed to mobilise first-time voters to fly home to exercise their constitutional right and help guide the flight path of the nation.”

With this campaign, Air India Express reiterated its commitment to making meaningful connections that help people transcend boundaries, reinforcing its positioning as ‘New India’s Smart Connector’, the airline said in a statement.

The campaign was launched as a response to mitigate the concerning voter participation rate among India’s youth.

“As a brand that champions connectivity and inclusivity, Air India Express is committed to empowering the youth and fostering active citizenship. With a fifth of the world’s youth demographic, India’s demographic dividend can also be the world’s democratic Dividend,” said Siddhartha Butalia, Chief Marketing Officer, Air India Express.

At the time of this general election, nearly 130 million Indians are between the ages of 18 and 23. The United Nations Sustainability Development Goals include the mandate to ‘Reduce inequality within and among countries’, with the intention of ensuing enhanced representation and voice for the under presented in decision-making. Despite being the world’s largest democracy, a majority of eligible first-time voters do not participate in the electoral process due to various barriers, including logistical challenges, with a large proportion of them working, studying or otherwise based outside their home state or country.The Lok Sabha elections, commenced on 19th April 2024 and the results will be announced on June 4.

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