I made a microwave lemon pudding – it’s delicious and takes 15 minutes to prep and cook

I will be the first to admit I have a major sweet tooth. For me, dessert is the most important meal of the day and should never be skipped.

However, while I love puddings, I am rubbish at baking which is why most of my desserts tend to be super quick and simple so that even I can’t mess them up.

If it can be cooked in the microwave or air fryer – or it doesn’t need cooking at all – I will give the recipe a go.

So when I came across this 15-minute microwave lemon pudding in Sainsbury’s Magazine, I just had to try it.

The recipe includes just seven ingredients and can be made in just three steps.

I made the recipe using soft brown sugar rather than caster sugar for a richer, fuller flavour.

I also didn’t include the lemon zest as I prefer a sweeter flavour.

However, if you want a zestier, more lemony flavour, I’d highly recommend piling as much lemon zest in as you like.

The recipe serves four but I halved the quantities to make just two.

How to make microwave lemon pudding


  • Four tbsp lemon curd
  • 100g soft butter
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 100g self-raising flour
  • One tbsp milk
  • Two large eggs
  • zest of one lemon


1. Firstly, butter a medium microwaveable bowl or mug and place the lemon curd in the base. Next, beat together the butter, sugar, self-raising flour, milk, eggs and lemon zest. Once incorporated, spoon the mixture over the lemon curd being careful not to mix the lemon curd with the sponge mix – you want to keep the two separate.

2. Microwave the raw ingredients uncovered for three and a half minutes until it’s risen and cooked through. Leave it to stand for one minute.

3. Loosen the edges of the pudding using a knife or a spatula. Turn it out onto a plate and serve it with a dollop of crème fraîche and lashings of extra lemon curd.

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