I tried Costa’s controversial new hot milkshakes – I was very surprised by what I tasted

I must admit I went into my local Costa for the tasting with low expectations, after all, the customer reviews I’d seen online didn’t paint a pretty picture.

After seeing comments from customers claiming the hot milkshakes were “too sickly” and that the temperature was putting them off, I was ready to be let down.

But the tasting started off strong, with what I originally suspected would be my favourite choice, the White Chocolate & Strawberry hot milkshake, which made a huge impression.

The Salted Caramel Coffee option seemed almost savoury in contrast, but was delicious nonetheless and much milder on the sweetness scale.

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This is perhaps a more balanced option for those who find white chocolate sickeningly sweet, or even coffee lovers who struggle to get away from their usual caffeinated safe choice.

By the time I got to the Chocolate Hazel my taste buds were already exhausted out from all the sweetness, but I found this flavour somewhat overwhelming and almost too chocolatey – think a whole Sachertorte in a cup.

This is, of course, due to personal taste as I’m not a huge fan of chocolate-flavoured things and I didn’t think the hazelnut flavour cut through as much as I expected it to.

All hot milkshakes were topped with a big serving of light whip and different toppings – 100s & 1000s on the White Chocolate & Strawberry variant, crunchy caramel vermicelli on the Salted Caramel Coffee one, and chocolate brownie crumb to complete the Chocolate Hazel shake.

These toppings were instrumental to the experience, and the reason why I’d personally recommend having the hot milkshakes in-store, as they are served in highball glasses. Not to mention they are highly Instagrammable if that’s what you’re after.

They provide a sensory contrast to offset the texture of the beverage and add a layer of flavour that is so welcome when sipping a large drink.

These drinks are a delightful on-the-go alternative for that mid-day treat we all crave at the office (see a brownie or a muffin minus the crumbs getting everywhere).

What truly sets these drinks apart from everything else – thus making Costa an innovator – is the texture. Despite being served hot, these magical milkshakes retain all the thickness of their cold counterparts.

It may not be everyone’s cup of tea (or coffee), but it is a great substitute for those baked treats you want to convince yourself not to buy on the way home.

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