Jamie Oliver’s avocado and bacon eggy crumpets recipe

“Now these are crumpets like you’ve never seen before,” said Jamie Oliver. “We are talking chilli, eggy crumpet goodness, topped with crispy bacon and creamy avocado.”

Even more delicious, the British cook adds a “Parmesan crown and green chilli sauce” to elevate the dish for his recipe.

Treat yourself and others to this mouthwatering brunch that will rival eating out; plus, it only takes 20 minutes to put together.

In contrast to dining out, once you have the brunch ingredients in your home, you can make it again another time or use the ingredients elsewhere in other recipes.

So not only is Jamie’s crumpet brunch enjoyable to eat, it’s better for your finances in the long term if you opt to eat at home rather than out.

Eggy crumpets recipe

  • Serves: one
  • Cooks in: 20 minutes


  • 220g jar of pickled jalapeños
  • One bunch of fresh mint
  • Quarter of a fresh red chilli
  • Two eggs
  • One crumpet
  • Quarter of an avocado
  • 50g ripe cherry tomatoes
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Two slices of smoked streaky bacon
  • 10g Parmesan cheese


Tip the jalapeños and most of the brine into a blender and pick in most of the mint leaves. Blitz until smooth, then pour back into the jar.

Finely chop the chilli and place in a shallow bowl. Crack in one of the eggs, add a pinch of black pepper and whisk together with a fork.

Soak the crumpet in the chilli and egg mixture for a couple of minutes, pressing it down and turning halfway.

Meanwhile, to make salsa

Halve, destone, peel and roughly chop the avocado and quarter the tomatoes.

Place the avocado and tomatoes in a small bowl, drizzle with one teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and season. Add a few mint leaves and mix.

Place the bacon in a dry non-stick frying pan on a medium-high heat and leave to crisp, turning every so often.

Push the bacon to one side and finely grate the Parmesan cheese into the pan in a pile slightly larger than the diameter of the crumpet.

Press the soaked crumpet topside down onto the cheese and pour over any remaining egg mixture, then cook for two minutes, until the Parmesan is golden and crispy.

Carefully loosen the edges of the Parmesan with a spatula, then lift up the crumpet, pulling the Parmesan with it. Hold for a few seconds so it sets, then turn it back over into the pan, leaving you with a crispy crown on the top.

Crack in the remaining egg alongside and cook to your liking. Transfer the crowned crumpet to a plate, top with the salsa and drizzle the jalapeño dressing on the side with the crispy bacon. Top with the fried egg and serve.

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