Jamie Oliver’s no-cook fig tart is ‘super easy’ to make

Beautifully presented, Jamie Oliver’s fig tart may look like a piece of art, but it’s so simple to make.

The iconic British chef said his dessert is “super quick” to make because it requires no baking or cooking at all.

Meanwhile, there is a “delicate base of crushed fruit and nuts” that is topped with yoghurt, gigs and a drizzle of sweet honey.

Serving up to eight people, here’s Jamie Oliver’s easy fig tart recipe that is ready in just 10 minutes (minus freezing times for the tart to set).

Do note that this recipe requires the use of a food processor, a 20cm springform cake tin, and greaseproof paper before starting.

Jamie Oliver’s fig tart recipe

Serves: eight people


300g fruit and nut mix
500g Greek yoghurt
One teaspoon of vanilla bean paste
One teaspoon runny honey, plus extra to serve
Four ripe figs


Line a 20cm springform cake tin with greaseproof paper.

Tip the fruit and nuts into a food processor and blitz until fine and tacky. Jamie Oliver elaborated: “It should be easy to mould with your hands.”

Once the fruit and nuts mixture is tacky, press it into the base of the lined tin and 2.5cm up the sides.

Leave the mixture in the springform tin to firm up by placing it in the freezer for one hour.

When the time’s up, mix the yoghurt, vanilla bean paste, and one teaspoon of honey, then spoon onto the chilled tart.

Freeze for a further hour, or until slightly set, then release the tart from the tin.

Halve or quarter the figs, to your liking, and “arrange nicely” on top of the set tart.

Then drizzle with honey to finish, and serve to impress, as this no-cook fig tart looks a lot more sophisticated than it is.

Plus, it’s a low-salt dessert with each serving only having 0.1g of salt for those who are a bit health-conscious.

As the dessert takes two hours to set completely, it’s best prepared ahead of guests arriving.

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