Make ‘fluffy and delicious’ cinnamon rolls in just 30 minutes – recipe

Cinnamon rolls are loved for their fluffy texture and sugary, spiced paste that swirls all the way through.

But they can often end up stodgy and dry if baked incorrectly, particularly if the dough is not right to start with.

One recipe-creator has found a foolproof way to make sure they’re “fluffy and delicious every time” without using yeast or taking hours to prove the dough.

Sharing her method on the the blog “Margin Making Mom”, food blogger Chrysti revealed that the rolls can be ready in just 30 minutes using her expert formula.

She claimed that they’re not only “incredibly easy to make”, but also have a taste, texture and aroma that’s hard to beat.

How to make cinnamon rolls

A hot oven is essential to save time so start by preheating it to 220C then grease a large, round cake pan (around eight inches diameter), where the buns will sit.

Make a start on the dough by combining the self-raising flour, 250ml milk and two tablespoons of melted butter in a bowl, plus the cream if using.

Stir it all together to form a soft mixture, then lightly flour a clean surface to turn the dough out onto.

Roll the dough into a rectangular shape that resembles the size of a sheet of paper (8×10 inches).

Once rolled out, combine all of the filling ingredients in a separate bowl to make a sugary paste, excluding the melted butter for now. Melt this separately then spread over the dough with a brush before pasting the filling onto it.

Take the long-edged side of the rectangular dough and roll inwards to form a tight tube, then use a sharp knife to cut the roll into eight uniform portions. It may help to cut the tube in half, then halve the two sections twice over the make eighths even.

Arrange the mini rolls in the greased cake tine and bake for 18 minutes or so in the oven. The tops should be lightly golden brown when cooked fully.

Meanwhile, make the sweet icing by mixing all of the ingredients in one bowl and stirring well until everything is combined.

Drizzle over the warm, cooked buns once they have been left to cool for a few minutes after coming out of the oven. Serve straight away as a sweet treat or to accompany the morning cup of coffee.

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