Mum shamed by teacher for her child’s packed lunch – but others think it’s ‘normal’

Sue received a startling phone call from her five-year-old son’s school teacher after she picked him up from the school gates.

“She made absolutely no effort to sound kind when she, in an extremely rude and annoyed tone, told me to stop packing my son such ‘disgusting and inappropriate’ lunches,” Sue shared to social media.

“I felt absolutely appalled when she said this, as I and the teacher have, up until now, always maintained a very friendly relationship.”

Revealing the incident to Reddit, Sue noted about the real life situation: “She added that the lunches I’m packing my son are ‘very distracting for the other students and have an unpleasant odour’.”

Tending to her child’s food preferences, Sue puts celery sticks with cheese, kimchi, spam and crisps in her son’s lunch box.

“We are Korean and he absolutely adores this dish,” Sue said, adding that she packs him blue cheese and goat’s cheese to dip his celery sticks into.

“I ended the call by saying that I very much appreciated her worries, but that at the end of the day, I am not going to drastically change my sons’ lunches all of a sudden.”

Sue later received an email from the teacher stating that her response was “unacceptable”.

The email stated her son’s lunches were “too inappropriate” to take into the school premises.

Baffled by the teacher’s insistence, Sue now doesn’t know what to d and asked the Reddit community what their thought are.

One Reddit user, muffiewrites, replied: “Your son’s food is perfectly normal for a five-year-old. Your family’s food is normal.”

Another, apothekryptic posted: “[The] teacher is disrespectful and very much out of line.”

In agreement, Mamabird1993 stated: “This teacher is completely out of bounds. You need to bring this to administration.

“This could easily be seen as discriminatory based on his ethnicity and I can’t imagine the school wants to open that can of worms.”

However, some Reddit users couldn’t fathom why Sue would pack “smelly” items in her son’s packed lunch.

“I’m Korean and I’m baffled that you would send your kid to school with kimchi,” 2fluffy_bunnies started. “I would never send kimchi with my kid to school or take it with me to work, just like I wouldn’t pack fish, because of how smelly it is and how rude it would be for me to do that to my co-workers.”

No-pomegranate7339 agreed: “I’m Korean too and I’m with you. My mum would have never kimchee in a packed lunch with me to school… [because of the] smell.”

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