Quiche, casseroles, and carrot cake top list of favourite nostalgic British meals

Quiche, casseroles, and carrot cake are our favourite nostalgic meals, research has found. A poll, of 2,000 adults, found that one in three often eat foods specifically to remind them of years gone by – with over half (52 percent) associating particular foodstuffs with past times in their lives.

And chicken Kiev, prawn cocktail, and Battenberg cake, are also among the meals that people link to yesteryears. However, it also emerged that just 35 percent still use old family recipes that have been handed down through the generations.

In response to these findings, care home provider, Care UK, has created a collection of nostalgic recipes dating back to the 1930s, all the way through to today, with the help of its residents in care homes across the country.

Andrew Mussett, at Care UK, said: “Nostalgia is a powerful force that connects us to our past – and what better way to relive those cherished moments than through the comforting embrace of familiar foods, served up in family favourite recipes passed down through the generations.

“Whether it’s the aroma of a family recipe, or the first bite of a childhood treat, nostalgic foods have the power to evoke happy memories and emotions, and are a wonderful way to encourage reminiscence in older people – especially for those living with dementia.

“A home-cooked meal, using a recipe enjoyed in the past, creates an opportunity to remember the past, and reflect on the people and places which inspired the dish.”

Of those who cook nostalgia-fuelled meals, 28 percent will do so when family come over, while 26 percent see birthdays as a perfect excuse – and 22 percent do so simply when they need cheering up.

But it seems some traditional foods may be on the verge of extinction – as beef topped a list of ingredients people buy less of now than they did five years ago. Pork is also dropping in popularity, along with seafoods including cod, haddock, and prawns.

On the other hand, Brits are buying more chicken, eggs, and fruit to maximise their protein and vitamin intakes.

The poll found that in the last 12 months, seven in 10 respondents have tucked into a classic Sunday roast, and 58 percent have enjoyed a Shepherd’s or Cottage Pie.

Other tried-and-tested dishes to have passed the nation’s lips in the last year include ham, egg, and chips (28 percent), and toad in the hole (29 percent).

Nearly half (49 percent) have enjoyed the classic 1970s staple, a quiche, while 32 percent have munched on the garlicky goodness of a chicken Kiev.

And when it comes to popular foods from the 1990s, 43 percent have laid into some macaroni and cheese, and 36 percent have snacked on a Pot Noodle.

As a result, 57 percent express little or no concern that classic or traditional meals are at risk of dying out completely – although 34 percent do fear this may come to pass, according to the OnePoll figures.

Of those who are parents, almost half (46 percent) cook meals for their children that they enjoyed in their own youth, at least sometimes.

But 62 percent believe their eating habits have changed as they have aged – with 65 percent of these trying to eat more healthily, and 45 percent looking to be more adventurous.

Andrew Mussett added: “There’s a certain joy in rediscovering the flavours of our childhood, or the meals shared with loved ones.

“Nostalgic foods offer a unique blend of taste and emotion, creating a culinary journey that resonates with the essence of who we are, where we’ve come from, and the people with whom we’ve enjoyed meals throughout our lives.

“And while tastes may change or evolve with time, it looks like lots of British classics are here to stay – which is why we’ve created our “Recipes to Remember” book.

“From food enjoyed during World War II, to quirky desserts from the 70s, it includes residents’ favourite foods, alongside recipes tailored to older people by some of our award-winning chefs.”

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