Sleep issues and ‘bodily stress’ and may be caused by these everyday foods

Sleeping patterns are bound to change and adapt to our lifestyle, however, some simple choices like what we eat can negatively affect the way we sleep.

Chris Dubberly, Managing Director of Incontinence Shop, explained: “There are many reasons why so many of us suffer from poor or interrupted sleep in our adult years.

“Whilst things like blue light from late-night scrolling have become a big part of the conversation, it’s important to remember that our diet affects our sleep just as much.”

It is a well-known fact that caffeine has an impact on the body’s alertness, but what many may not know is that foods can also contain this stimulant.

Caffeine is not limited to beverages; chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, surprisingly contains a significant amount of it.

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This, coupled with its elevated sugar levels, renders chocolate unsuitable if you aim for improved sleep quality.

While the belief that cheese induces nightmares is largely a myth, consuming it too close to bedtime can still induce bodily stress.

Strong and aged cheeses, in particular, boast elevated levels of the amino acid tyramine.

This particular amino acid prompts the adrenal gland to release adrenaline, the “fight or flight” hormone, resulting in heightened alertness for an extended period.

Likewise, spicy foods such as curries, hot sauce, and mustard contain capsaicin, a chemical that raises body temperature.

This disturbance in the body’s temperature regulation can consequently disrupt sleep.

The substances we consume throughout the day play a crucial role in influencing sleep.

If you find sleep elusive despite various attempts, consider closely monitoring your daily food and beverage intake – you might be surprised by the impact it has.

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