‘US, not India, creating hurdles by blocking judges’ appointment’: Experts

Abu Dhabi: Not India but the United States has been stonewalling the negotiations at the World Trade Organization (WTO) as it has been choking the dispute resumption mechanism of the trade watchdog by blocking the appointment of judges, officials and trade experts said.

Washington has more than 70 times blocked a proposal by 130 WTO members including India to start the process for filling in vacancies.

“We need to see that Least Developed Countries get their fair share and voice and that’s when we were targeted and called naysayers. However, it is the US which has blocked the two-tier dispute settlement system,” said an official.

As per another official, it is to India’s credit that it was able to give a multilateral character to the Joint Statement Initiative on Services Domestic Regulations that will benefit the developing countries.

Under the Services Domestic Regulations, India would benefit as over 70 nations like UK, UAE and Australia have agreed to take on additional obligations in the services sector and the disciplines will be applied on a “most-favoured nation” principle, meaning that they will benefit all WTO members.

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