Wetherspoons pints and cocktails reduced to as little as £1.99

The UK pub chain has launched a massive January sale across its food and drink menus.

Despite already having a loyal customer base for its low prices, the latest discounts at JD Wetherspoons pubs mean selected pints now cost less than £2.

Customers will find the staggeringly low sale prices live from today until January 17, though customers in Scotland will have to wait until tomorrow, January 3.

Wetherspoons fans can now purchase Bud Light and Doom Bar for just £1.99 and cocktail lovers can find a select few for just £2.99.

Discounts also apply to food, refillable hot drinks and non-alcoholic beverages.

Other alcoholic drinks in the sale include Corona seltzers and spirits, and those who prefer low or alcohol-free drinks will find Heineken 0.0 and Kopparberg Strawberry and Lime at a reduced price.

Wetherspoons customers who enjoy the refillable hot drinks offering can now find Lavazza coffee, tea, and hot chocolate for a bargain of £1.29.

Those looking to dine-in at one of the pub chain’s many sites will find discounts across the board – from breakfast to dinner items.

The classic Wetherspoons small breakfast is now priced at an incredibly low price of £1.99.

Usually, these menu items would normally set you back at around £3.20, though it should be noted that these values vary across locations.

Burgers are also part of a cheap deal which is inclusive of a soft drink for £4.99, or a slightly higher price of £6.46 if the burger is bought with an alcoholic drink.

According to Tim Martin, the founder and chairman of the famed British pub chain, the January sale is in line with discounts in other industries.

He explained: “Department stores and shops hold their sales in January, so it is the perfect time to have a sale in the pubs too.”

While the sale isn’t the first of its kind, Tim claimed that this year, the pub chain has included its biggest selection of low and non-alcoholic drinks.

Tim continued: “I believe that the January Sale will prove popular with our customers. As always, staff at the pubs will serve customers responsibly.”

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