What Inspired You to Become a Female Plumber?

Inspired You to Become a Female Plumber

Women are starting to break barriers in male-dominated industries, but there’s still a long way to go. Especially when it comes to trade jobs, where tradies are often men. But one woman who has been working in plumbing for over two decades is helping to change that. Hattie Hasan, plumber and trades activist, is the founder of the Register for Tradeswomen. She has some inspiring stories to share. And not only does she work hard to inspire other women to become plumbers, but she has also helped a lot of people who are victims of domestic violence. Watch her story here.

There is a perception that plumbing is too dirty or dangerous for a woman, but this is untrue. Anyone who has worked as a plumber will tell you that it is not only possible, but also very enjoyable. Yes, it can be messy, but no more so than any other job like cleaning houses or nursing. There is also the myth that women cannot physically lift heavy objects, but again this is untrue. If you are properly trained, it is a skill that can be learned by both men and women of all sizes.

Changing an industry that was built for one type of person can seem daunting, but it is happening around the world. Many companies recognize the value of a diverse workforce and are actively seeking to hire more female professionals.

This is particularly true for the skilled trades, where female plumbers are desperately needed. It’s important for a business to hire the best possible employees. It’s equally important to create an environment that encourages everyone to succeed.

What Inspired You to Become a Female Plumber?

A company that is a welcoming place for all workers, including women, will attract more qualified candidates in the future. It will also help to improve the culture of the business, making it a more positive and uplifting place for all its staff.

Another benefit of having more female plumbers is that it will help to promote the skills that are needed in the industry. This is important for any industry, but particularly the trades where there is a shortage of qualified workers.

Finally, having more women in the trades will help to make them a safer and fairer industry for everyone. This will be particularly beneficial for vulnerable people such as those who have experienced domestic abuse or who are looking after children. It is important that a company can deal with these situations in a compassionate and sensitive manner.

It’s time to stop stigmatizing the trades and start encouraging more women to get involved in the industry. With more women in the trades, it will be easier to address the current shortage and provide the quality services that every customer deserves. It is also important for business owners to be open minded and consider the benefits of hiring a female plumber. After all, the benefits are clear: higher retention rates, better employee engagement and a more compassionate workforce.

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